Darknight current uncensored

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about darknight

Lily Knight is a dark phoenix, but comparable to that of an arc demon. Misunderstood, she is an ancient being and used to create chaos in her favor. But in the last few years has begun to explore more of what humanity is. She struggles with her inner darkness and her inner light. Now she allies herself with different Beings to become a dark protector.

donate and support

Donations or Support help me spend more time on the manga series. I am a disabled artist with Epilepsy. With no gov’t income support. I’m looking into more accessible software and hardware to help improve and speed up the creation process.

Darknight manga is M14+ based on the Canadian rating system. May contain mature content.
Blood, violence, some language and non sexual nudity.

It does not contain R18+ adult sexually explicit content, gore or strong language.

Are you over 14?

Khaotic Knightmare is owned by G.A. Studios. The 14+ Mature to R+ Brand. © 2002 -2024