Khaotick Knightmare will be taking over for the manga webtoons and mature content including: illustrations, concept art, designs and commissions.
NOTE: To International fans. All ratings are done in Canadian. So in some strict countries like the US, the ratings will be higher. There will be no adult content hosted on my site. I could, if I chose too. But I don’t.
Please use the social media / links to help guide you to those locations. Those platforms have age gate blockers to protect minors.
Donations or Support through commissions. To help me spend more time on the manga series. I am a disabled artist with Epilepsy. With no gov’t income support. I’m looking into more accessible software and hardware to help improve and speed up the creation process.
This page does not have 18+ content. Its all censored for a Canadian Mature rating
The h3ntai is hosted uncensored on comic fury.
All other content including animations, animatics, illustrations, etc Are hosted on other social media platforms. Under an age gate block to keep minors locked out.